Wednesday, October 20, 2004

The writing's on the wall...

On the staff room wall at Borders...

* An official apology from the Acting Rosters Dude about the tardiness of our new rosters (now three weeks late) that goes something like this:

"Apologies for the lateness of the new rosters but they're really hard... and scary."

* An Occ. Health & Safety poster featuring Santa lugging a huge sack. The work "crack" is imposed --- like something out of a Batman cartoon --- diagonally across the sack to suggest that Santa has cracked his back under the weight of the sack (hey -- poetry!) and the caption reads "Don't let workplace safety take a holiday".

Underneath someone has scrawled on a post it note: "Why is Santa delivering crack to the kiddies?"

Tee hee. I'm diggin' this place.


Blogger Calaloola said...

Hey, Mel!

Aye, its good when work-mates make work less, well, laborious. Borders seems like that kinda place thus far. I had a stint as a full time receptionist in a customer service centre last year and I loved the ppl there too: my boss was one of the nicest guys you could ever hope to meet. A real Aussie, blokey-bloke (does that translate?:)) but just laidback, down to earth and lotsa fun. He used to make *us* cups of tea or pick up our lunches from the shop on his break. And when I'd been there only 3 months they threw me a surprise party for my 21st!

The technicians -- it was a car service centre so there were lots of boys about -- once played a prank on a guy who worked in the factory. This poor guy had met a woman on a telephone dating service(!) and the techs thought it would be really funny to send him a letter supposedly from her and include a photo of an oversized woman in lingerie. They even had one of my co-workers -- a girl -- seal the envelope with a lipstick kiss and spray her perfume on the paper... oh those boys were mean :) My nice boss would have nothing to do with it. But *sigh* weren't those the days...?

Fri Oct 22, 01:46:00 pm 2004  
Blogger Calaloola said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Fri Oct 22, 02:15:00 pm 2004  
Blogger Calaloola said...

Did you read my comment in one of your recent posts @ thecoolestnerd, Mel? I accidently double-posted and mistakenly deleted your post insteada mine! V. sorry bout that, as I said in my Explanation Post(!) on your blog: I'll figure out what all the buttons do eventually ;P I did read it tho... :) Keep postin'....

Mon Oct 25, 09:57:00 am 2004  

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